Eagles’ Wings 2020 is a new ministry of encouragement founded in March during this tumultuous year.  Even in this age of virtual connectivity, people feel discouraged, lonely and hopeless. We believe God has called us to be a vessel of encouragement and support to others.

Our mission is to share God’s love and the Gospel using our Core Four ministry pillars.

  • Sharing our stories and what God has done in our lives
  • Outreach Opportunities
    • Caring for orphans and widows
    • Postcard Project
  • Virtual Prayer Community
  • Praise Events

Where We’ve Been

Since March, God has done wondrous things for the ministry.

In the first two weeks, God sent two amazing partners: web/graphic designer turned creative director, Jacob Burress, and our videographer, Isaac Benegas.

In the following months we:

  1. Established EW2020 (mission, incorporation, 501c3 & CCLI)
  2. Developed our first outreach initiative, the Postcard Project by printing postcards of original photos with a scripture verse.
  3. Sent 750 postcards of encouragement.
  4. We have welcomed 20 new volunteers (adults, teens and kids)
  5. Hosted first Core Four Praise Brunch on November 7.  We gathered with family and friends to praise God for the ministry.  We highlighted our heart for adoption through personal testimonies of how adoption touched 4 families. And, we showcased an adoption partner, Lifesong for Orphans, with ways to get involved in directly helping adoptive families and orphans.

Where We’re Going

Here are exciting new things coming up that will continue our mission of encouragement for all ages:

  • The Pen Pal Project.  We thought, “people everywhere are lonely, especially in nursing facilities.  Why don’t we partner  those residents and volunteers who want to be pen pals.”  It is easy and can have an immediate and ongoing encouraging impact on participants.
  • Eagles’ Wings 2020 and Student Internships. There is much to do as God further develops the ministry.  We are partnering with universities/churches to develop student internships on specific areas such as marketing, social media, graphic design, ministry, app development, etc.
  • EW 4 Kids.  Children can learn from an early age how they can positively impact the lives of others.  Our first EW 4 Kids outreach project will involve turning children’s drawings into postcards.  These children will then send them to kids who are sick/hospitalized as well as to orphans around the world .
  • Eagles’ Wings for Teens.  We know that navigating the teen years can be difficult, but is even more difficult in our culture these days.  We are reaching out to teens using focus groups to identify the kinds of encouragement that they seek and would help them establish and/or solidify the hope found in Jesus Christ.

How You Can Help

Prayer!  Please keep our ministry in prayer and submit your prayer requests (here).

Donations.  We’ve had a great start with our ministry and our outreach opportunities.  Please consider supporting us with a one time gift or a monthly contribution.  As a small ministry, all of the funds raised go directly to our outreach opportunities.

We look forward to what God has for Eagles’ Wings 2020 in the new year.  Our prayer is “All For His Glory”.









Carol Wynn

Carol Wynn

Carol is the founder of Eagles' Wings 2020. God has blessed her with the spiritual gift of encouragement. As an outgrowth of that the Lord led Carol to create this ministry and share her story of God’s faithfulness and providence. She invites others to do the same and continue to spread the joy and love that God provides.